To celebrate Village Cinema's 60th anniversary, the iconic Australian cinema company created a design competition to commemorate this milestone through a year-long anniversary brand. The competition was briefed to the Swinburne University Design Honours cohort, with the winner of the competition getting their brand design displayed in cinemas and marketing material for the duration of the cinema's anniversary. The below branding and supporting campaign concept won the competition and was brought to life on Village Cinema's 60th anniversary.
The concept focused on the theory that Australian cinema goers visit cinemas for more than a movie. They go for an experience. And that experience differs depending on the demographic. These experiences were categorised into five themes that formed the campaign direction: memories, tradition, escapism, loyalty and celebration.
Due to the diversity of these cinema experiences, and the demographics that represent each, the logo mark took on the form of a simple hand-written signature, similar to that of a birthday card sign-off or an autograph from a celebrity. This could have been written by anyone within Village Cinema's broad target audience, from young child to grandparent, as one example.
Linking each of these five core cinema experiences (memories, tradition, escapism, loyalty, celebration) to the 60th anniversary of Village Cinemas, I created different "60 years of ..." messages that resonated with the different target audiences with different campaign concepts.
These differing cinema experiences, combined with the hand-written anniversary logo-mark, allowed the campaign to have a broader appeal to all target audience categories, which could be advertised in specific mediums and placements.
After briefing, the process involved multiple steps before the final campaign was conceptualised and presented. After commencing a client-analysis of Village Cinemas it was clear that this anniversary brand would have differing interpretations within the broad audience of Australian cinema goers. This theory led to the research which identified that the target audience categories have differing experiences when visiting the cinemas. The clear differences within these experiences are what ultimately created an anniversary campaign concept beyond a logo-mark. The logo-mark was intentionally designed to look simplistic as to not alienate any of the target audience demographics.